Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why Does Our Carbon Footprint Matter?

You may ask yourself, why does my carbon footprint matter?

You may have heard of the phrase before, but does it actually mean anything to you?

What our carbon footprint means to us, in our daily lives, is the number of how much we're polluting the environment, with carbon byproducts. These byproducts form anytime carbon dioxide is released into the environment, typically as gas, coal or other carbon-producing fuel is burned.

Your footprint matters because you only have control over yourself -- you can't make someone else respect our environment, no matter how much they seem to be bent on polluting it, but you can do as much as you can to decrease your harm on the environment. 

As shown in the film, An Inconvenient Truth, our choices can, and will, have devastating effects on our planet if we choose to continue our complete disregard for our impact  we individually have on our one and only planet.

photo credit: ItzaFineDay via photopin cc

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